AboutSite owner24+ years of collecting
Online, I go by thebreat. You may have seen me around before on Tama forums, seen some of my photos on Instagram, or watched some collection videos on YouTube. I am also one of the admins for the Facebook groups Tamagotchi Ancestors and Tamagotchi Traders. I have been collecting since virtual pets first came to the United States in 1997. Over the last couple of decades, I have been slowly procuring and adding to my collection. My virtual pet collecting is my main collecting hobby. I have lost count of how many I have now. I think I'm somewhere over 1000, but I hope to update a collection list soon for insurance!
As for my personal life, I work full-time in an analytics position, and I am currently close to finishing a Masters of Science in Information Technology. I am married with one daughter and have five cats. My other hobbies include photography, website design, kawaii aesthetic, vector art, nail art and polish, and makeup.

How It All Started: My collecting story
Discovering virtual pets
The first time I had ever heard of a virtual pet was in 1997 when I was 12 years old. I had a copy of Seventeen magazine, and the very last page which always showed the newest products trends had this little plastic, egg-shaped toy. It said that Tamagotchi was taking the West Coast by storm as a little virtual pet you feed digital food, and clean up its digital poop. My mind was blown. I ran to my mom with the magazine review, and said "I HAVE to have this!!" She didn't see the excitement.
I went to the toy section of stores every time we went shopping. I kept finding empty shelves. Everyone wanted a Tamagotchi. It was like Tickle Me Elmo all over again for anyone who remembers that fad. Then I heard people talking about the other types of virtual pets coming out, and it was overwhelming.
Getting my first virtual pet
One day, my mom wanted to go to Kmart. I had a really good feeling that day. They had listed Giga Pets as being on sale that week, but with how fast they sold out, it was hard to tell if I could get one. I remember walking through the doors and making a b-line for the toy department. I walked to the aisle that had all the virtual pets. I looked up to see three pegs full of Giga Pets. I remember just saying "Mom!! Mom! They have them!!" An employee stocking toys down the aisle said "You are lucky. I just stocked those, and they won't last the day."
I selected a Compu Kitty, because I am a cat lover, and clutched my prize all the way to the checkout. (There are many times that I wish I could go back in time and purchase every single one!) I ripped opened the packaging in the car (I know, poor packaging), and immediately started a cat named Anna. My addiction was affirmed. The damage was done. I was now and forever a virtual pet collector.

Collecting post-Tamagotchi craze
At my school in '97, only the younger kids at the elementary were collecting virtual pets. They had a ban on bringing them to school. I was in junior high, and there were only 3 of us who played with them in the junior/senior high building, so there was no need for a ban on us. One of the three, who I was close friends with, would "babysit" all the virtual pets that belonged to the elementary students she rode the bus with. Every day in home room, she would have a ball of 7-8 of them trying to keep them alive. They were all usually dead by the time they got back to their owners!
Through the rest of the 90's, I was able to get a Tamagotchi P2, Giga Pet Digital Doggie, and an 8-in-1 multipet. Even when my friends quit playing theirs, I tried to convince them to give their pets to me. I could only convince one friend to a trade around 2001. Old makeup palettes for Tamas and Polly Pockets! Sounded like a good trade to me!
When I finally was old enough to get my own checking account at 18, I went on eBay and purchased a Micro Chimp. My friends thought I was nuts for paying a whole $20 for it. Ha. They have since learned the value these pets can hold.
Production of Tamagotchi resumes
In early 2005, I was walking around the toy department at Target with my then-boyfriend, now-husband to see a totally new line of Tamagotchis for sale. I had never fully discussed my love and obsession with virtual pets, and so I think I confused him when I was dancing around the aisle. I stopped to pick out a shell color, when I discovered that they could now mate. Queue another aisle dance, and we were off to the checkout with a white and rainbow "cheerio" V2.
It wasn't until 2006 that I discovered there were virtual pet forums. I signed up for an account on TamaTalk, but was quickly disappointed in the maturity of many of the members there. It's not easy being 21 among unsupervised 10-year-olds. I did see that there was another forum called Tama-Zone, but thinking it would be the same as TamaTalk, I didn't join.
In 2009, I had purchased every new release of Connections, and I was really looking for a group of people to have nerdy conversations with. I decided to try to join Tama-Zone. I was very surprised by how different the members there were. I was suddenly surrounded by people around my age with my affinity for these little digital creatures, and I absorbed as much information about other pets I had never heard of as fast as I could. I have met some of my closest friends through that forum.