This is the TamaOtch that was released by Bandai in 1998. It was modeled after the famous Japanese actress/performer Tamao Nakamura. Her first name, Tamao, sounded similar to Tamago in Tamagotchi, so Bandai decided to make a Tamagotchi with her as the mascot. It came in only one shell design. The TamaOtch allows you to raise for very own diva. She is a performer that you have to train and manage. You need to feed and play with her, but also train her in ad-libbing, dancing, and acting. The TamaOtch uses sound-activation to know when she has performed correctly. You show her a routine to perform, and if she does it correctly, you can tap on the side or speak to her to let her know she did a good job. You need to win 2 out of 3 in order to get credit for training. The TamaOtch has had mixed reviews among players. It is incredibly difficult to get an adult character other than Tabakotchi, which reminds me of a "wash-up". Also many players (including myself) have had issues with the sound receiver. Some have used the chain to tap, others have loudly spoken to it, I have rubbed my finger along the seam on the side, but many times these have not worked. Even if someone has managed to find the secret to getting their TamaO to sense the sound, sometimes she will refuse to perform the correct routine, and you will be stuck training her for quite a while. Other than the issues with training, this tama is actually very charming. If you decide to purchase one, they can be very expensive, but buyer be warned there is a good chance you will be tearing your hair out at some point during play. Check out a video I made over the TamaOtch here. Check out the TamaOtch growth chart at Tama-Zone here.