Pulled out my new Toys 'R Us edition Keitai!
Running my Tamagotchi Nano as well now
This is his favorite item! He looks like a blond Elvis!
Mogumogutchi is sporting the cowboy hat and overalls I made him. Lookin' snazzy!
Ichigotchi in the bath Everything she does is cute!
This is one of my favorite things she does. (Just realized you can hear my music through my headphones. Queen, FTW)
I got Koganetchi after 20 hours on hot in his cocoon. He went in at 40mg, and had 4 pre-cocoon care misses.
We are officially in cocoon mode, repeat, we are officially in cocoon mode!
Kusatchi and I have a long, sordid history together, dating back to 1997...
Seriously, though, what did I do to this thing? This "angel" goes from kind of cute to bordering hell spawn of my nightmares. Sleep well, guys...
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